Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD discusses her 15 years of research into treating Cancer with THC and Cannabinoids

Video Is courtesy of the organic medical cannabis YouTUbe channel

Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD touches on each patient being different and that each type of Cancer is different. This requires individual treatment protocols. The treatment with Cannabinoids and THC has to be adjusted to the individual patient and to the type of Cancer being treated.

Since getting her PhD with Honors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog yin 2000, Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD has focused on studying the antitumoral and other properties of medical cannabis,[1] especially cancer and the therapeutic qualities of THC and cannabinoids.

Click on this link to visit The official National Institutes of Health and the US National Library of Medicine to read the a research paper which Dr Cristina Sanchez had participated in titled: “Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition“.

Dandelion Root could promote apoptosis (cell suicide) of Cancer Cells

Posted by Vincent Banial

Since this blog is about the Medical benefits of Weed, let us look at potential medical benefits of common Dandelion weed.

The video below features a talk by Dr. Siyaram Pandey who is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Windsor. Dr. Pandey’s research is focused on apoptosis (cell suicide).

The Dandelion Root Project is aimed at showcasing scientific evidence for the safe and effective use of dandelion root extract and other natural health products for cancer therapy.

The Dandelion Root Project started in 2009 in a bid to investigate the anticancer effect of the root extract of dandelions against cancer cells in the lab (in cells and in animal models).

Dandelion Root Project Researchers have been able to successfully assess the effect of a simple water extract of dandelion root in various human cancer cell types. In the lab and they have observed its effectiveness against human T cell leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, pancreatic and colon cancers, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. Furthermore, these efficacy studies have been confirmed in animal models (mice) that have been transplanted with human colon cancer cells.

The Dandelion Root Project researchers applied for Phase I clinical trials in 2012 for the use of DRE in hematological cancers and in November 2012,. Approval was obtained for the administration of DRE in human patients and currently, the dandelion root extract is under Phase 1 clinical trials for drug refractory blood cancers.

Dr. Siyaram Pandey is also currently the Founder Director and Chief Scientific Officer of the Windsor Botanical Therapeutics Inc. Toronto. His group is known for their discovery of the novel natural anti-cancer compound Pancratistatin, and Dandelion Root extract which is in clinical trial for blood cancer (Leukemia).

Leukemia kills and so does Chemotherapy. Both have had a major impact on my life.

It turns out that Dandelions have compounds which could promote the apoptosis (cell suicide) of Cancer Cells. Apparently one can purchase Dandelion Tea in Health Food store. Or one can pick some Dandelions and make their own Tea.

What Dr. Pandey and his fellow researchers did was isolate a compound found in  Dandelion Tea. A Freeze Drying process is used to vastly increase the concentration levels versus what may be found in regular store bought Dandelion Tea. This compound is called Pancratistatin and is undergoing Clinical Trails.

So it looks like weeds are a good thing when fighting cancer. Both Medical Cannabis and Dandelions could have medical benefits for those fighting cancer.

Video is courtesy of the TEDx Talks YouTUbe channel


Disclaimer: This information should not be construed as medical, health or nutritional advice, nor have these statements been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. This content is not intended to prevent, diagnose or cure any disease or illness and is provided solely as a courtesy to the reader.

The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered by Johann Hari

Posted by Vincent Banial

I just ran across an eye-opening article by Johann Hari which was posted ion the Huffington Post website. The article was about addition. The main focus was Drug Addiction, but everything applied to other types of so-called addictions like Gambling, Alcohol and Smoking Cigarettes.

Experiments with rats in cages have shed light on the cause of addiction. A huge intravenous drug problem in Portugal a few years back was handled very differently. Portugal results confirmed the results of Rat Park Experiments by Canadian Psychologist Bruce K. Alexander and his colleagues at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.

Video is courtesy of the Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell YouTube channel

I thought about my past. When I was running my Computer Company I was smoking up to 2 packs of cigarettes a day. When I closed my company after 5 years, I stopped smoking. No nicotine patches, just quit cold turkey. I had never thought much about it, until I read Johann’s article posted on the Huffington post site.

It made sense why I was able to quit. as in the Rat Park experiments, I had changed cages. His post also opens one’s eyes to why there is heavy drug use in different forms of employment. Many Musicians visit my Uniquely Toronto blog. Being a Musician puts one into a certain type of Rat Cage (going back to the Rat Park experiments). Very successful Musicians, such as Prince for example self-medicated with Drugs. Many great Musicians lost their lives to Drug Addictions. Great Rock Bands while Touring were known to destroy Hotel Suites. I had often wondered why that was. Johann Hari’s article explained why?

I am fascinated by the Rat Park experiment. It explained why I was able to kick my two pack a day cigarette habit with no help. I will also be doing more research into this and more posts should result.

One other takeaway from this is that many in Law enforcement speak of Cannabis / Marijuana as being a “GATEWAY” drug which leads to using drugs like Heroin and Cocaine. The Rat Park experiments prove that to be very incorrect. Portugal’s experience with the way they handled their major drug problem, also proves that there are no such things as Gateway Drugs.

Video is courtesy of the TED YouTube channel

Enough of me for now.

Click on this link to visit the Huffington Post site to read the post by Johann Hari titled: “The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think.

Click on this link to visit amazon.com to check out Johann Hari’s book titled: “Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs“, which is published by Bloomsbury.

Some believe that Cannabis / Marijuana is a Dangerouos Drug. So how many people have died from overdosing on Cannabis?

Posted by Vincent Banial

Before I get into how many people died from overdosing on Cannabis / Marijuana, let us look at a common over the counter pain medication called Acetaminophen. One common well-known brand of Acetaminophen is called Tylenol.

From a US Government Agency Study they reported the following:


We estimate an annual average of 44,348 (NHAMCS, 2000-2007) or 78,414 (NEISS, 2006-2007) acetaminophen overdose-related ED visits and 33,520 (NHDS, 2000-2006) hospitalizations. For 2000-2006 we calculated an age-adjusted rate of 13.9 acetaminophen overdose-related hospitalizations per 100,000 US population, with the highest rate (15.7) occurring from 2005 to 2006. Between 1991 and 2006, there was no decrease noted in hospitalizations for intentional or unintentional overdoses. The majority of overdoses reported in NEISS (69.8%) and NHDS (74.2%) were classified as intentional (suicides or suicidal gestures), whereas in NHAMCS, intentionality was evenly distributed.”

The name of the study was “Characterization of acetaminophen overdose-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations in the United States.” it was authored by the following persons : Manthripragada AD1, Zhou EH, Budnitz DS, Lovegrove MC, Willy ME.

The above results which were published on PubMed.gov site of the US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health,

 Now, please try and find one single case of death caused by overdosing on Cannabis / Marijuana. I could not find even one.


Since this blog will be about Medical Cannabis I figured that it is good to visit the safety record of Cannabis versus commonly available over the counter medication such as Acetaminophen.

Graphic of Cannabis plant

One line from the Nick Wong’s post stands out in my mind and it is ““A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response,” wrote Judge Francis Young.


One could say that the use of Medical Cannabis or Medical Marijuana is considerably safer than commonly available over the counter medication called Acetaminophen. One common well-known brand of Acetaminophen is called Tylenol.